Designing Dr. Cosmic’s SKWID Submarine

The centerpiece of The Ocean Disaster book is Dr. Cosmic’s latest invention, a submarine shaped like a giant squid. He calls it the SKWID, which stands for “Scientific Kinetic Waterproof Investigation Device.” (Dr. Cosmic likes to make things complicated.)

I began by researching what a real giant squid looks like and collected lots of photos and notes. I learned about how squids move and what their various parts are for. Then I tried to put myself in Dr. Cosmic’s shoes. If I were to design a submarine based on these amazing creatures, what would it look like?

To help me visualize this crazy invention, I decided to build 3D model that I could use for reference. I build my models with an app called Sketchup, which is pretty easy to learn and even has a version you can use for free.

Designing the SKWID using Sketchup
Designing the SKWID submarine using Sketchup

I also researched real submarines in order to draw Dr. Cosmic’s blueprints showing how the SKWID actually works.

Building the model took a long time, but once it was finished it made drawing the SKWID so much easier. Using the model, I could get a better sense of perspective and lighting, which helped make the illustrations feel more realistic.

To see how the final model turned out, click the link below. You can drag to move the SKWID around, and even see how lighting and shadows affect the way it looks.