Category Archives: Author Visits

French Road Elementary

Over the years I’ve signed tens of thousands of copies of my books for other people. This week I got an amazing surprise in the mail. After my visit at French Road Elementary this spring, every student in the school got together and signed my books for me. They filled the endpapers, front and back, and the title pages. There were so many names it took three books! I’m absolutely speechless. What a fantastic gift.

Eagle Elementary School

On rare occasions I have been known to show up at the wrong school for an author visit. That’s why I was especially flattered and relieved to find this sign waiting for me when I arrived at Eagle Elementary last week. What a warm welcome to a wonderful day!

Eagle Elementary School sign

Birdville, Texas

During my recent visit to the schools of Birdville, TX, one of the nicest surprises was all the different classroom doors decorated based on the books I’ve written. Each one was a masterpiece. Here’s a small sample:


And at West Birdville Elementary I was surprised with the most amazing box of cookies, each one hand-decorated and painted with characters from my books by Christy Knapp Alexander. They were literally too beautiful to eat. (Of course, I ate them. And they were delicious.)

Genesee Elementary

At today’s author visit at Genesee Elementary the teachers teachers dressed up in costumes inspired by my books: Dr. Cosmic was there, the Fright Brothers, some pirates, some aliens, even some bugs. What a fun day.


Return to Richfield Springs

Had the pleasure to return to Richfield Springs on Friday for another visit (last one in 2009) and it was every bit as fantastic as I remembered. I arrived to find the presentation room filled end to end with hundreds fantastic book-related projects that the kids worked on during the weeks leading up to the visit.

Richfield Springs artwork

Here are just a few samples, where the kids imagined new Benjamin Franklinstein-style titles: Henry Corn Meets George Carwashington and Jackie Robotson Attacks Duke Scarington. I would totally read both of those.


Franklinstein Portraits at Craig Elementary

Spotted these amazing Benjamin Franklinstein portraits at a recent visit to Craig Elementary in Niskayuna, Ny. Great work!

Breakfast Cupcake Party at Cayuga Heights Elementary

What’s better than arriving at a school for a visit and finding a breakfast cupcake party? Absolutely nothing, that’s what. Let me repeat: breakfast + cupcakes + party. It doesn’t get better than that.

How could the rest of the day measure up, you ask? Well, it did. It was a great day all around with a bunch of amazing readers. Thanks, Cayuga Heights!
